There are little changes, and there is moving
I can think only of a few situations, other than death, divorce or a major illness, that are more stressful than moving. Moving is the disrupter of lives, making your existence a miserable juggling act of packing stuff into boxes and then trying to remember what you packed into what box.This has been my life since January. It’s now May. And there is no end to the madness.My husband and I just sold our home after a stint on HGTV's Buying and Selling with the Property Brothers. Drew, Jonathan and the crew were amazing to work with! And thanks to them our house sold in 24 hours.The problems is, our new house won't be ready to another 3 to 4 months. So with this post I welcome my summer of bohemian living, shacking up with my husband in a tiny one bedroom apartment. It's college all over!
I wish I could say how super zen I have been about it all. I wish I could say I have welcomed change and all its manifestations with an open heart. That would be wonderful. But the writer in me, the one that wants to spend every breathing moment of my day working on my book, can't wait to be done with all this moving shenanigans and be settled in one place.All I have to say is thank goodness for coffee houses! In fact, the saving grace of our tiny apartment is the AMAZING coffee house located about 200 feet from our front door. My husband in all his wisdom, tasked me with the job of finding us a place to live for the summer. My only requirement was that I had a place to escape too nearby so that I could finishing the mammoth task of revising my book before a second round of submissions.
So to all of you writers who are happily reading this post from the comfort of your very organized and box free home... I'm happy for you!!! Really, I am. And also an itsy-bitsy, tiny, little bit jealous. In a good way of course.Feel free to share your moving horror stories below. Just so that I know that I am not alone in a universe ruled by cardboard boxes.Happy writing ya'll!